Getting started with helps you easily find and validate email addresses for individuals and companies, including filtering by department, all within Clay.

You can do a few things with within Clay, including:

  • Find Emails by Company
  • Find Work Email
  • Validate Email

First, we'll cover how to connect Clay to Hunter. Then we'll go over each action that is available with Hunter.

Connect Clay to Hunter

You have two options connecting Hunter to Clay.

Option 1: Use the Clay-managed Hunter account

This means you do not need to have a Hunter account to use the enrichment. You will be charged 2 credits per enriched cell without any need to create a Hunter account.

When you pull up the enrichment you will simply select the option for Clay-managed Hunter account. And you can now use the enrichment! 

Option 2: Add your own Hunter API key

Alternatively, if you already have a Hunter account, you can connect that by adding your own API key. However, it's only available for paying customers.

Heads up! You'll need Clay's Starter plan ($149/mo) to use your own Hunter API key. It's not accessible on the free plan.

Follow this interactive tutorial with instructions on how to do that: 

You can find additional instructions on how to find your Hunter API key in their help documentation.

Next, let's learn more about the actions available with the Hunter integration.

ActionFind Emails by Company

The Find Emails by Company action helps you find public email addresses on the internet from a company domain with the ability to filter by department.

Step 1: Choose the Hunter account you want to use

Note that you can use either the Clay-managed Hunter account or your own key.

If you use the Clay-managed Hunter account you will be charged at 2 credits per enriched cell.

Step 2: Select Required and Optional Setup Inputs

Choose the company search criteria by entering the Company Domain and Department (Optional) you are finding emails for.

Step 3 (Optional): Select Auto-update

By default, Hunter will auto-update the integration every 24 hours. Make sure to toggle this step off if you do not want to auto-update, however, you might run into stale data problems.

Step 4 (Optional): Select Conditional Run Criteria

If you want to only run this enrichment under set circumstances, you are able to input formulas where the column runs only if the formula is true.

Action Find Work Email

The Find Work Email action helps you find a person's email address from their name and company domain.

Step 1: Choose the Hunter account you want to use

Note that you can use either the Clay-managed Hunter account or your own key.

If you use the Clay-managed Hunter account you will be charged at 2 credits per enriched cell.

Step 2: Select Required and Optional Setup Inputs

Enter the Company Domain and the full name of the contact you are performing the email search on.

Step 3 (Optional): Select Auto-update

By default, Hunter will auto-update the integration every 24 hours. Make sure to toggle this step off if you do not want to auto-update, however, you might run into stale data problems.

Step 4 (Optional): Select Conditional Run Criteria

If you want to only run this enrichment under set circumstances, you are able to input formulas where the column runs only if the formula is true.

Action Validate Email

The Validate Email action helps you determine if an email address has as valid inbox.

Step 1: Choose the Hunter account you want to use

Note that you can use either the Clay-managed Hunter account or your own key.

If you use the Clay-managed Hunter account you will be charged at 2 credits per enriched cell.

Step 2: Select Required and Optional Setup Inputs

Enter the Email Address you want to verify. Please make sure it follows the format of

Step 3 (Optional): Select Auto-update

By default, Hunter will auto-update the integration every 24 hours. Make sure to toggle this step off if you do not want to auto-update, however, you might run into stale data problems.

Step 4 (Optional): Select Conditional Run Criteria

If you want to only run this enrichment under set circumstances, you are able to input formulas where the column runs only if the formula is true.

Course Completed
No items found.

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