An AI research agent that can answer any question
Never waste time manually researching companies again. Claygent can visit a list of domains, find any info, and report back. Ask it to decide whether companies are SOC-II compliant, infer competitors, or anything you can imagine.
Never do manual account research again
SDRs often spend hours on personalized research to get enough information to qualify leads and write relevant outreach. Let Claygent do it in seconds—and save their time for nurturing sales.
Research and enrich company data
Claygent can research any company based on its website or public information on the web. Find detailed information about customers, job positions, office locations, or whatever you can think of.
Real questions that our customers are asking Claygent
Clay is a central part of our outbound campaign program. It’s helped us fully automate lead enrichment that previously required expensive and time consuming manual research. Instead of doing manual work, we can spend time on more important jobs, like directly engaging with deals or coming up with new ideas. We’ve been able to do twice as much with less people.
Learn with our resources
Check out Clay University, read our GTM blog, or try out our top templates to transform your growth ideas into outreach in minutes.