Use Claygent to find the best (or worst) schools in your region!
Clay (Free) to use Claygent to find specific school district information
Claygent, Clay’s AI research agent, can find almost anything online.
For example, maybe you sell software to school districts that help them improve SAT and ACT scores. Or maybe you just need to help your niece find the best schools in her region, their average SAT and ACT scores, the superintendent's name, and their student to teacher ratio?
Claygent can do it.
And that’s exactly what you can do with this Claybook.
First, copy this template in Clay.
If you’re already a user, you’ll be directed to your workspace. If not, you’ll be prompted to create a free Clay account.
The interactive demos on the right will walk you through each step of this Claybook.
You can tune each Claygent prompt to fit your needs. For example, find ACT scores for specific subjects, not broadly across any subject? Update column the Claygent prompt in column seven.
Last, type school district names into column one and let Clay work its magic.
Use Claygent to source specific information about select school districts in seconds.
Simply copy this template, follow the steps above, and let Clay work its magic.
If you have any issue, you can ask for help in Slack or schedule time with a Clay expert.
Check out Clay University, read our GTM blog, or try out our top templates to transform your growth ideas into outreach in minutes.