Trusted by 300,000 leading GTM teams of all sizes

Use AI to filter leads into the unique categories you care about
Scoring based on generic firmographics isn’t enough. Use AI and 100+ providers to create custom scores that target your unique ICP.

Combine data points from anywhere to create unique lead scores
Use data from any source in your lead scoring formulas in Clay and auto-update your CRM.
Best data quality
Get the best data with multi-provider enrichment and use our AI agent to replace manual research.
All your data in one place
Consolidate all your customer data in one place: intent data, 1st party data, and 3rd party data.
Powerful workflows
Build complex workflows on top of custom scores: auto-generate new prospects, update CRM lead scores, queue AI emails, or build natural language formulas.
Add scoring into your inbound workflow
Connect your scoring table to your lead forms to enrich and score leads the moment they come in.

Anthropic uses Clay to improve lead scoring with custom fields
Learn with our resources
Check out Clay University, read our GTM blog, or try out our top templates to transform your growth ideas into outreach in minutes.