Find website technologies with Similarweb
Used to retrieve the technologies installed on a given domain.
Get traffic distribution by geography with Similarweb
Used to retrieve the traffic share, visits, pages per visit, average visit duration, and bounce rate for a given domain, broken down by country.
Get website average visit duration with Similarweb
Used to retrieve the average visit duration for a given domain (in seconds). The data can be segmented by device, country, month, subdomain inclusion, and engaged visits
Get website pages per visit with Similarweb
Used to retrieve the average pages per visit for a given domain (in seconds). The data can be segmented by device, country, month, subdomain inclusion, and engaged visits.
Get website visits with Similarweb
Used to retrieve the estimated number of visits to a given domain. The data can be segmented by device, country, month, subdomain inclusion, and engaged visits.