Learn how to use this template
This template utilizes a combination of data providers to find work emails, starting with personal emails. Here's how it works:
- Finds a person's professional profile identifier via their personal email
- From their profile, finds their current company and that company's domain
- Finds their work email using their name (from the newly found profile) and company domain
To find each of these data points, the template utilizes waterfalls – a powerful Clay feature that allows fetching data from multiple sources, providers, or databases with ease.
This workflow will allow you to:
- Import Typeform contacts into Clay
- Enrich and qualify those leads
- Personalize a sales pitch outbound message
For detailed instructions on how to use this template, check out this Claybook
This template will allow you to:
- Create automated and enriched pre-meeting notes using Clay
- Send pre-meeting notes to Notion documents automatically
- Send automated Slack notifications with links to Notion docs
In order to run this workflow, you will need Zapier (Pro), Notion, and Slack. For detailed instructions on how to use this template, check out this Claybook
Here is the workflow that Oneaway uses to maintain less than 2% bounce rate on your emails. It includes prompts to clean your First name, Company name and Job title as well as a prompt to generate 3 variations of Email 1 of your campaign.
This walkthrough shows how Oneaway gets started on campaign work and helps service their clients much faster.
This workflow will allow you to:
- Import information from prospects through a webhook, such as favorite snacks and whether they requested company merch
- Add that information to a row in a Google Sheets document
- Do an allergen check on the snacks listed and provide an amazon link on where to purchase them