Learn how to use this template
This creates a custom image for use in a campaign. The image is templatized just like an email, with the ability to create custom colors and add custom images into a campaign.This uses a tech called Dynapictures, and is a higher-effort campaign. However, if done correctly it can also show real effort and work better than a plain text campaign.
This is the second table in this sequence, which shows how to structure the table that receives the images. From there, you just lookup the second table's records into the first table and sequence them into the campaign.
For more details on how to set up this play, read more on the first template in this sequence
In this workflow, you'll be able to
- Scrape search results of affiliate websites using Serper
- Scrape affiliate websites for companies that are typically hard to generate a lead list from
- Compile them into JSON format to export to a different table with each scraped domain in a separate row
To run this play, you will need your own Serper.dev API Key.
This workflow will enable you to:
- Find people who recently changed jobs and fit your ICP
- Find the job movers' bosses and enrich them with emails
- Personalize outbound to job movers' bosses
For detailed instructions on how to use this template, check out this Claybook
This campaign pulls in an existing list from the client's Hubspot or Salesforce Account. This list can be imported either from a CSV or from the native import feature in Clay.
Low Hanging Fruit is a term commonly used in sales that refers to leads that are most likely to convert. In theory, it'd be much easier to book a meeting with somebody who is already familiar with a client's company and their offering. This is why the re-engage can work well.
It's also a strong campaign because there's most likely existing data points about each prospect/lead that we can utilize in the copy. We'd run this campaign for a client pretty early on in our engagement with them especially if they have an existing inbound work-flow. The copy will reference whatever activity led to the prospect to be on the HS / SFDC list, whether that be a form-fill, a demo/meeting request, a meeting held, etc. A brief 1-liner overview of the client's offering should also be worked into the campaign. Additionally, referencing recent news or a problem the prospect may be facing that the client solves should be worked into the copy using AI prompting.
This generated us roughly 30 positive replies over the course or 2.5 months and 15 of those replies were meeting requests.
In this template you can:
- Find company domains and enrich them with funding data
- Find and scrape these companies' Crunchbase URLs
- Generate a summary of the reasons for the fundraising and what the company is most excited to do next