Let's say you have just closed a deal, and are looking to sell to similar companies. With Clay, you can. Use this workflow to:
- Import opportunity data from Salesforce
- Find and enrich similar companies based on keywords and industry
- Find and enrich people from these companies that fit your ICP
- Use AI to generate some discussion points that can be used for potential outreach
- Send these records back to Salesforce
Let's say you have just closed a deal, and are looking to sell to similar companies. With Clay, you can. Use this workflow to:
- Import opportunity data from Salesforce
- Find and enrich similar companies based on keywords and industry
- Find and enrich people from these companies that fit your ICP
- Use AI to generate some discussion points that can be used for potential outreach
- Send these records back to Salesforce
In this workflow, you'll be able to
- Scrape search results of affiliate websites using Serper
- Scrape affiliate websites for companies that are typically hard to generate a lead list from
- Compile them into JSON format to export to a different table with each scraped domain in a separate row
To run this play, you will need your own Serper.dev API Key.
The Clay workflow 'Personalize outbound with prospects main challenges' is highly useful as it allows sales and marketing teams to tailor their communication to directly address the primary concerns or problems faced by their potential customers. This not only shows a deep understanding of the prospect's needs but also helps in crafting more effective and targeted marketing strategies. The personalization can lead to a higher response rate and engagement, improving the overall effectiveness of the marketing or sales campaign.
Update Claygent prompts to your industry/outbound focus
This workflow can help you gain insight on your prospects digital advertising strategies. Specifically, you'll be able to:
- Confirm whether your prospects are running search ads or shopping ads
- Differentiate between text, image and video ads
- View the ad transparency URLs from your enrichments
To run this play, you will need to input the company name, company domain, and your Serp API Key.