Logical operators

Automate decisions with AND, OR, and NOT expressions


Logical operators overview

A logical operator evaluates one or more conditions and returns a boolean value (true or false). In Clay, these operators let you combine and modify conditions to build complex logical expressions.

The three main types of logical operators are:

  • AND (&&): Returns true only if all conditions are true
  • OR (||): Returns true if at least one condition is true
  • NOT (!): Reverses a boolean value

When do you use logical operators?

Logical operators are commonly used in several contexts within Clay.

AI Formula Columns: Create complex conditions for data transformation with multiple criteria.

Conditional Runs: Control when enrichments should execute by definingspecific trigger conditions.

SOQL Queries: Filter Salesforce objects based on multiple criteria.

Best practices

When using logical operators, follow these guidelines:

  • Use parentheses to clearly group conditions and control evaluation order
  • Test edge cases to ensure correct behavior

AND statements


condition1 AND condition2


  • Returns true if both conditions are true.
  • Returns false if either condition is false.
  • In formulas, represented as && .

Example cases

Example 1: true AND truetrue

Example 2: true AND falsefalse

Example 3: false AND falsefalse

Use case example

Scenario: You want to qualify a lead if they have more than 500 employees and are located in the US.

Formula: {{employee_count}} > 500 && {{location}} == "US"

Logic: Returns true if the lead has more than 500 employees and is in the US.

OR statements


condition1 OR condition2


Returns true if at least one condition is true.

Returns false only if both conditions are false.

In formulas, represented as || .

Example cases

Example 1: true OR truetrue

Example 2: true OR falsetrue

Example 3: false OR falsefalse

Use case example

Scenario: You want to qualify a lead if they have more than 500 employees or are located in the US.

Formula: {{employee_count}} > 500 || {{location}} == "US"

Logic: Returns true if the lead meets either condition.

NOT Statements


NOT condition1


Returns the opposite of the condition:

  • true becomes false.
  • false becomes true.

Often used to exclude specific conditions.

In formulas, represented as ! .

Example cases

Example 1: NOT truefalse

Example 2: NOT falsetrue

Use Case Example

Scenario: You want to exclude leads marked as competitors from being qualified.

Formula: !{{competitor}}

Logic: Returns true if the lead is not a competitor.

Combining AND, OR, and NOT


(condition1 AND condition2) OR NOT condition3

Use case example

Scenario: You want to qualify a lead if either of the following is true:

  1. The lead has more than 500 employees and is based in the US.
  2. The lead is not a competitor.*

Formula: ({{employee_count}} > 500 AND {{location}} == "US") OR !{{competitor}}

Logic Breakdown:

  • Part 1: {{employee_count}} > 500 && {{location}} == "US" → Returns true if the lead has more than 500 employees and is located in the US.
  • Part 2: !{{competitor}} → Returns true if the lead is not marked as a competitor.
  • The entire formula returns true if either part is true.