Credit usage

Track credit consumption across your workspace.


The credit usage dashboard provides a transparent and detailed view of how your team is utilizing credits across your workspace.

This tool helps you track, analyze, and optimize your credit consumption by breaking down usage across workbooks, tables, and integrations.

Credit usage by table

To check the credit usage in your workspace:

  1. Click your account name in the corner.
  2. Go to Settings and then Credit usage in the sidebar.
  3. Within Workspace, you can view folders, workbooks and tables sorted by their usage.
  • Sort the content by Name (alphabetically) or by number of Credits used by clicking the column titles.
  • You can Export this content as a CSV.

Filter and sort credit usage

The columns in this view display:

  • Name: For the folder, workbook or table.
    • Click the dropdown next to a folder or workbook to see the contents.
  • Usage: Will be marked Recurring when it contains recurring credit usage (e.g., scheduled runs or signals).
  • Owner
  • Credits used: The amount of credits used for this period.

Filter any of the content on this page by:

  1. When the credits were used.
  2. Owner of the project.
  3. Specific integrations being used.

Credit usage by integration

If you want to view which integrations are using the most credits, click Integrations in the top bar next to Workspace.

  • Sort the content by Name (alphabetically) or by number of Credits used by clicking the column titles.
  • You can Export this content as a CSV.