X.com integration

Find and enrich X profiles with user information and recent activity.


X.com (formerly Twitter) is a social media platform for sharing short messages, images, and links

With this integration, you can source profiles by topic/keywords, find accounts that follow specific users, and get enriched profile data including recent posts.

Creating a table with X.com data

  1. In a workbook, click + Add at the bottom.
  2. Search for X.com and select from the results.

Setting up the X.com integration

  1. While in a Clay table, click Add enrichment and search for X.com.
  2. Under Integrations, select one of the X.com enrichment options.

Using the X.com integration

Action Enrich profile details

Get detailed profile information and recent posts for X.com accounts.


  • Profile handle

Run settings

Action Find recent activity from a person or company

Search X.com activity from a specific account.


  • Profile handle

Run settings