Groove integration
Automate workflows with your Groove account.
Groove is a platform for customer support and help desk management.
With this integration, you can automate workflows between Clay and your Groove help desk.
Setting up the Groove integration
- While in a Clay table, click
Add enrichment
and search for Groove. - Under
, select one of the Groove options. - In the modal, you will be asked to
Select Groove account
.- If you haven’t already connected, click
+ Add account
and go through authentication.
- If you haven’t already connected, click
Using the Groove integration
List flows
Use this action to list flows in your Groove account.
- Filter type: Choose to filter by Active flows or not.
- Owner ID filter (Optional): Filter for flows owned by a specified user.
Run settings
- Auto-update
- Only run if: The enrichment will only run if conditions are met. (Learn more about conditional formulas here!)
List people
Use this action to list people in your Groove account.
- Filter type: Choose to filter by people who are involved in specific flows.
- Flow ID filter (Optional): Enter the flow ID you want to filter by.
Run settings
- Auto-update
- Only run if: The enrichment will only run if conditions are met. (Learn more about conditional formulas here!)
List users
Use this action to list users in your Groove account.
- Filter type: Choose to filter by email, SFDC ID, or none.
- Flow ID filter (Optional): Enter the email or SFDC ID of the specific user to find.
Run settings
- Auto-update
- Only run if: The enrichment will only run if conditions are met. (Learn more about conditional formulas here!)
Add person to flow
Add a person to a flow in your Groove account.
- Flow ID
- Person SDFC ID
- Owner ID (Optional): The Groove user ID that should own the person imported into the flow.
Run settings
- Auto-update
- Only run if: The enrichment will only run if conditions are met. (Learn more about conditional formulas here!)
Assign a user an action
Assign a user an action in your groove account.
- Filter input fields: Search fields by name or description
- Assignee: Groove user ID.
- Action type
- Summary: Title of this action.
- Due by time
- Priority (Optional)
- Description (Optional)
- Body (Optional)
- Logging: Salesforce task type (Optional)
- Logging: Salesforce Lead or Contact (Optional): A comma-separated list of SFDC Lead or Contact IDs.
- Logging: Salesforce Object (Optional): A comma-separated list of SFDC "ObjectType:ID" pairs to log this action to.
Run settings
- Auto-update
- Only run if: The enrichment will only run if conditions are met. (Learn more about conditional formulas here!)