The Swarm integration

Find intros to companies and individuals using your network.


The Swarm is a powerful networking tool that helps you discover relationship paths to companies and people.

Through this integration, you can leverage your network connections to find warm introductions to both companies and individuals.

How it works

The Swarm analyzes and maps relationships across multiple dimensions:

  • Work overlaps (former colleagues)
  • Education overlaps (same-year, same-school alumni)
  • Shared investors and portfolio companies (if applicable)

Enriching data with The Swarm

  1. While in a Clay table, click Add enrichment and search for The Swarm.
  2. Under Integrations, select one of the The Swarm options.
  3. In the modal, you will be asked to Select The Swarm account.
    • If you have your own account, click + Add account and complete authentication. Otherwise, use the Clay provided key.

Action Find warm intros to person

Use this action to identify and score relationships between your company and a specific person.


  • Your company domain
  • Social URL: Your target's social links.

Action Find warm intros to company

Use this action to identify and score relationships between your company and a target company.


  • Your company domain
  • Target company domain
  • Job function (Optional)
  • Seniority (Optional): Find intros with specific senior level titles.

Run settings