Roles and permissions

Understand roles and permissions in Clay.


Clay offers three user roles with different permission levels to help manage your workspace effectively.


Admins have full control over the workspace with these permissions:

  • Manage all workspace settings and resources.
  • Invite and remove team members.
  • Assign and update user roles.
  • Access billing and workspace configuration.


Editors are standard users who can:

  • Create and edit tables, workflows, and integrations.
  • Update records in tables.
  • Delete tables they own.
  • Add or modify columns and data sources.

They cannot:

  • Add, remove, or change team members' roles.
  • Modify billing settings or purchase credits.


Viewers have limited access to protect sensitive data. They can only view workspace content. They cannot create new tables or workbooks.

If given Editor access to a specific table or workbook, they can:

  • Update records.
  • Add and edit columns or sources.
  • Add tables under workbooks.
Note: Currently, we do not support table-level view restriction. Members can view all tables/workbooks once invited to a workspace.

Add workspace members

To invite a new member to your workspace:

  • Go to SettingsTeam.
  • Click the + Invite button and enter the email address of the person you want to invite.
  • Select the appropriate role from the dropdown and click Send invite.
  • The invited person will receive an email to join the workspace with the specified role.

Change a team member's role

To update a member's role:

  • Go to SettingsTeam.
  • Find the member’s name and use the dropdown menu next to their name to select the desired role.
  • Changes are applied immediately.

Remove a team member

To remove a member from your workspace:

  • Go to SettingsTeam.
  • Find the member you wish to remove.
  • Click the 🗑️  next to their name.