integration overview
Startup and tech ecosystem intelligence platform. Overview
With you can enrich your existing companies fundraising data for your company.
How to use
To use simply access it through the integration search panel. Each enriched cell will utilize the credits available in your Clay account for enriching.
Step 1: Select Get Fundraising Data for Company action
You can access the integration from the enrichment search bar.

Step 2: Input the company domain to enrich
Enter the company domain you want to enrich by referencing other columns.

Step 3: Configure run settings
Auto-update: Captions will automatically enrich any new rows that get added to the table. Learn more about auto-update in this this brief guide.
Conditional runs: To run enrichment only under specific conditions, use formulas that trigger the column when the formula is true. See this Clay University lesson.

Step 4: Specify columns
Specify the data endpoints you want to add as columns. You can add other endpoints later by clicking the enriched cell.

Now you can Save and run the enrichment.