Find Companies
Find companies that match your specific criteria within Clay's proprietary dataset.
The Find Companies source lets you build targeted lists of companies using filters like industry, size, location, and keywords.
It's perfect for creating sales prospect lists, identifying competitors, and conducting market research.
Creating a table with Find Companies
- In a workbook, click
+ Add
at the bottom. - Search for
Find Companies
Find Companies
- Configure the source to your preferences:
- Industries to include and exclude
- Company size: The self-reported company size range that a company says they have.
- Company types
- Keywords to include or exclude
- Minimum follower count
- Location to include or exclude
- Exclude companies: Select a Clay table with companies to exclude from the search (Example: table of existing clients)
- Start from:
- Limit results
- Click
Preview companies
andImport to new table
when the results look good. - Select import options:
- Add additional enrichments like
Company Headcount Growth
orMost Recent News
. - Enable or disable auto-update and auto-dedupe.
- Add additional enrichments like
- Click