Instantly integration overview
Automated sales outreach platform.
Integration Overview
The Instantly integration in Clay allows users Instantly in Clay allows users to efficiently add leads to campaigns within the app.
Requirements for Setting Up Instantly integration
You will need two prepare two steps in advance to set up Instantly and Clay integration
Requirement #1: Add your Instantly API key to Clay
To access Instantly within Clay, you will need to connect your Instantly API key to Clay.
You can find your Instantly API key under Integrations > Apps. Locate the Instantly API app and select Copy API Key to obtain your key.
Important: Do not generate your API key under Integrations > API Keys, as that corresponds to a version of Instantly’s API that Clay does not support.
Once you’ve obtained your Instantly API key, you can add your key within any Instantly enrichment panel.
Requirement #2: Have an existing campaign you are adding leads to
To use Clay, ensure you already have a campaign set up in Instantly.
Please note that new campaigns cannot be created directly within Clay, so you’ll need to obtain a Instantly campaign ID to enable the integration.
Every Instantly integration action must have an existing campaign. If you want to create a new campaign check out Instantly’s guide on how to create a campaign.
Adding leads from Clay to Instantly
Within Clay, you’re able to add a lead to a campaign in Instantly. Here are the following steps:
Step 1: Select the Add Lead to Campaign integration
Step 2: Select the account want to add leads to
Select the Instantly account to send emails from. If you have not already integrated Instantly with Clay, please enter your API key when creating an account.
Step 3: Enter the email and Campaign ID
Enter the email of the lead you want to get.
Optionally you can also include the ID of the Campaign you want to search.
Step 4: Configure run settings
Specify Auto-update and Conditional run statements.
If you are running trigger campaigns please make sure to turn Auto-update on.