Instantly integration

Automated sales outreach platform.


[Update for 2025] Instantly has released Version 2 of their API keys and will be sunsetting support for Version 1.

  • If you are adding your API key, make sure to add version 2.
  • For any actively used Find leads or Add Leads to Campaign columns, you will need to create a new column. (Do not duplicate the original column, create a new one from Add enrichment.

Instantly is an automated sales outreach platform that allows users to efficiently add leads to campaigns.

The Instantly integration in Clay allows users Instantly in Clay allows users to efficiently add leads to campaigns within the app.

Setting up the Instantly integration

Note: This integration requires an Instantly API key.

  1. While in a Clay table, click Add enrichment and search for Instantly.
  2. Under Integrations, select one of the Instantly options.
  3. In the modal, you will be asked to + Add account.

Using the Instantly integration

Action Find leads

Use this action to find new leads.


  • Email: The email of the leads you want to find.
  • Campaign ID (Optional): The ID of the campaign you want to search within. If left blank, all leads matching the email will be returned.

Run settings

Action Verify Email

Determine if an email address is a valid inbox and whether it’s a catch-all domain.


  • Person’s Email

Run settings

Action Add Lead to Campaign

Add leads to an Instantly campaign.


  • Campaign ID
  • Skip if Lead is in Workspace (Optional): Will skip if the lead already exists in any campaigns in the workspace.
  • Email: The lead’s email.

Run settings