Dappradar integration overview
Blockchain dapp store providing data and analytics for NFT, DeFi, and gaming exploration.
DappRadar overview
DappRadar is a platform that provides comprehensive data and metrics for decentralized applications (Dapps) and NFT collections across multiple blockchains.
You can use the DappRadar integration to:
- Find the top Decentralized Applications or NFT collections
- Get NFT Collection Data and Metrics
- Get Decentralized Application Data and Metrics
All DappRadar actions in Clay use a Clay-managed account and utilize your Clay credits.
Using DappRadar data as a source
Import DappRadar data into a new existing table to find top Dapps or NFT collections across 50+ blockchains, filtering by blockchain, category, or metrics like transactions and volume.
Note that the limit on this search is 10,000 results and Clay will only import the first 10,000 results.
Step 1: Specify if you want to search for NFT collections or Dapps
Optional Steps
Step 2: Specify Blockchain
To filter data by a specific blockchain, select the desired chain from the dropdown.
Step 3: Select Metric to Sort By
In the Metric to Sort By dropdown, choose a metric (e.g., Average Price, Traders, Volume, Sales, Market Cap, or Floor Price) to prioritize your data.
Step 4: Set Time Range and Limit
Specify a time range for the data, with options from 15 minutes to 30 days. The default is 24 hours.

Available DappRadar Actions
Within your Clay table, you’re able to run the following DappRadar-supported actions:
- Get NFT Collection Data and Metrics
- Get Decentralized Application Data and Metrics
Get NFT Collection Data and Metrics
Get data and metrics from a single DappRadar NFT collection. This will find the blockchains the collection is on, as well as metrics -- sales, volume, traders, floor price -- during a specified time period, as well as percentage change in these metrics.
Step 1: Specify search parameters.
Enter the Collection ID from the NFT object.
Choose a Timeframe for metrics like transactions and balance. The default is 24 hours.
Select a specific Blockchain, or leave it blank to include all chains.
Step 2: Configure run settings.
By default, new rows within your Clay table will automatically run a DappRadar action. Learn more about auto-update in this brief guide.
To run enrichment only under specific conditions, use formulas that trigger the column when the formula is true. Learn more about AI formulas in this Clay University lesson.
Step 3: Run your enrichment to Get NFT Collection Data within DappRadar.
Get Decentralized Application Data and Metrics
Get data and metrics from a single DappRadar dapp. This will find social links, dapp category, and description for a dapp. It will also find the metrics such as transactions, UAW, and balance, as well as percentage changes over a specified time period.
Step 1: Specify search parameters.
Provide the Dapp ID from the DappRadar page, such as Uniswap V3 About Page.
Set a Timeframe for metrics like transactions and balance. If no timeframe is specified, the default is 24 hours.
Enter the Name of the Dapp and provide its Website URL.
Include the Smart Contract address if applicable.
Specify a Blockchain for data filtering, or leave it blank to include all associated chains.
Step 2: Configure run settings.
By default, new rows within your Clay table will automatically run a DappRadar action. Learn more about auto-update in this brief guide.
To run enrichment only under specific conditions, use formulas that trigger the column when the formula is true. Learn more about AI formulas in this Clay University lesson.
Step 3: Run your enrichment to Get Decentralized Application Data within DappRadar.