Store Leads integration overview
Ecommerce data platform for lead generation and market research using powerful search filters and API access.
Store Leads Overview
Store Leads is an app in Clay that enriches a person's profile with additional data using advanced AI technology.
Setting up Store Leads and Clay integration
You can connect Store Leads in Clay two ways.

Option 1: Use the Clay-managed Forager account
By default, Forager enrichments in Clay use the Clay-managed Forager account, which charges 1 credit for each enrichment.
Option 2: Use your own Forager API key
If you are currently on paid plan (Starter, Explorer, Pro) you can use your own Forager account within Clay through an API key. To set up the Store Leads integration, you can access the Account Add in the Settings > Connections or via any integration panel.

Available Actions with the Store Leads Integration
Enrich Company
Use this action to find and enrich company data by using a domain name to obtain detailed data on e-commerce companies, including employee counts, revenue estimates, and social media profiles.
Setup Inputs
- Company Domain: Enter or select a column containing the company domain (e.g.,