Connect Clay to Marketo via a webhook

Connect Marketo to your Clay table.


This guide outlines how to connect your Marketo instance to Clay.


Set up Clay table

Step 1: Copying the Webhook URL from Clay

In a new or existing Clay table, locate the Webhook URL option. Copy the Webhook URL provided. This is the URL where you will send data via a POST request to integrate with Clay.

Configure Marketo Webhook

Step 2: Go to the Admin area in Marketo

Step 3: Click on Wehooks in the left hand menu

Step 4: Click New Webhook to create a new webhook

Step 5: Name and configure your Webhook.

To properly configure Marketo’s webhook to send data to Clay, please fill in the following details exactly as shown:

  • URL: The webhook URL you copied from Step 1
  • Payload Template: first_name={{lead.First Name:default=editme}} &last_name={{lead.Last Name:default=editme}} &company={{company.Company Name}} &title={{lead.Job Title}} &email={{lead.Email Address:default=editme}} &id={{lead.Id}}
  • Request Token Encoding: None
  • Request Type: Post
  • Response Format: JSON

Step 6: Click Create webhook

Congratulations, you are all set up!